Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Day with a Difference - May 17, 2006

Today's Inspirational Quote:

One of the things I keep learning is that the secret of being happy is doing things for other people. - Dick Gregory

Walk your own walk - Copyright © 2005 Diane Gresham

You have to walk your own walk in this life. And as you are traveling down your road, don't look down at your feet. Keep your head up and your eyes focused on what you know to be true. Be neither a follower nor a leader. You are not forsaken; you are forgiven, and when shadows exist simply find higher ground to tread upon. If you come across an obstacle or an impasse, pay mind to it but don't focus on it for too long or your feet may sink into the quicksand that surrounds it. Find the courage to surmount it and continue on your journey.

Offer your hand to those you come across who are stuck in their own personal sand traps, but do not point them in the direction you feel they must go, that has to be their decision. Only imply to them that they are never alone, and they will eventually find their way. When you get to where you are going and you look back, it is your own footprints you are going to want to see, not someone else's. The importance of your trials and tribulations is a gift to be beholden, for that is how you will learn whom you truly are.

Expand your knowledge base

Freezing Point - The freezing point of pure water is 32 degrees Fahrenheit (0 degrees Celsius). However, by simply adding a common household ingredient, you then can easily cool the water 20 degrees past the freezing point, and still keep it in liquid form.
How is this possible? Scroll down for the answer ...

By adding salt to water, you lower the freezing point of the water. If you add enough, it is possible to get it 20 degrees below the typical freezing point.

Have a memorable day!

1 comment:

Masilamanis said...

How true Priya.