Monday, June 26, 2006

Day with a Difference - June 26, 2006

Today's Inspirational Quote:

HELP is an act, do it, let it go. LOVE is a gift, take it, let it grow. PATIENCE is a sign, we should wear, let it show.


In order to renovate the house, someone in Japan Breaks open the wall. Japanese houses normally have a hollow space between the wooden walls. When tearing down the walls, he found that there was a lizard stuck there because a nail from outside hammered into one of its feet. He sees this, feels pity, and at the same time curious, as when he checked the nail, it was nailed 10 years ago when the house was first built.

So he stopped his work and observed the lizard, what it has been doing, and what and how it has been eating. Later, not knowing from where it came, appears another lizard, with food in its mouth.

Such help! Such happened even with this tiny creature ... What can help do? It can do wonders! Help can do miracles!

Think, will u do that to your Partner, Mom, Dad, Friends , Coworkers, Brothers & and Sisters ?

Expand your knowledge base

A clean joke to start your week with laughter

There was an unexpected knock on my door, and like I always do I first opened the peephole and asked, "Who's there?"

"Parcel post, ma'am. I have a package that needs a signature."
"Where's the package?" I asked suspiciously.
The deliveryman held it up. "Could I see some ID?" I said, still not convinced.
"Lady," he replied wearily, "if I wanted to break into your house, I'd probably just use these." And he pulled out the keys I had left in the door.

Have a memorable day!

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