Thursday, June 15, 2006

Day with a Difference - June 15, 2006

Today's Inspirational Quote:

When a man finds no peace within himself, it is useless to seek it elsewhere. - L. A. Rouchefolicauld

The Power of Words

A Yale University study determined the 12 most persuasive words in the English language. Here they are - starting with the most powerful:
(1) You, (2) Money, (3) Save, (4) New, (5) Results, (6) Easy, (7) Health, (8) Safety, (9) Love, (10) Discovery, (11) Proven, (12) Guarantee. Someone tried to use them all in one marketing slogan and came up with: You can save money with Germ-Gone, the easy-to-use, proven new discovery that guarantees your health and safety. You'll love the results!

Research also determined the "most powerful word combinations" in the English language. They are: (1) Thank You, (2) Would You Please, (3) What do you think?, (4) I am proud of You.

From these studies it's easy to determine the most persuasive, most powerful word in the English language. The answer is obvious: YOU!

Expand your knowledge base

I have been around for hundreds of years,
I can have a varying number of hands,
There are many versions of me,
I do the same thing day after day,
People would miss me if I were gone,
What am I? Scroll down for the answer ...


Have a memorable day!

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