Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Day with a Difference - Sep 28, 2006

Today's Inspirational Quote:

"We either make ourselves happy or miserable. The amount of work is the same."

TWENTY YEARS LATER (Cappucino Success Stories)

In 1953 Yale University did a research on its graduating seniors. The graduates interviewed were asked if they had a clear, specific set of goals written down with a plan for achieving those goals. Only 3 percent had their goals written down. Twenty years later, in 1973, these surviving graduates were tracked down and interviewed again. It was discovered that the 3 percent with specific written down goals were worth more financially as compared to the 97 percent put together. They were also more successful in other areas of their lives.

The above story clearly demonstrates the importance of having specific written down goals. The goals must be specific in terms of what you desire, the precise date you desire to achieve it, and what you are willing to give in return for the goals. It must be written down and read every single day. If you write down something that you may not believe at the moment but if you read it long enough, you will start to believe and act upon it.

Expand your knowledge base

Google Phrases

A Google bomb or Google wash is an attempt to influence the ranking of a given site in results returned by the Google search engine. Due to the way that Google's PageRank algorithm works, a website will be ranked higher if the sites that link to that page all use consistent anchor text. Googlebomb is used both as a verb and a noun.

Once a month Google updates its entire index of web sites. That is called the Google Dance and can last for a couple of days.

Have a memorable day!

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